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Starting Small- Teaching Babies to be Good Eaters

Let's Start from the Very Beginning
Avocado- Quite possibly my favorite "baby" food
Sweet Potatoes or Yams- A Great "First Food"


  1. I'm so happy to discover your blog through your comment on mine! I'm a huge believer of starting babies off on the right foot and introducing them to a wide variety of foods. My older son is in his picky eating stage but we are plugging through it (he's almost 3). Thankfully he still loves his fruits and veggies, so I can't complain about that. I feel that it was because I introduced all of them while he was a baby. His fav veggie is broccoli :). My nine month old is a hunger shark and eat just about anything I put in front of him- peas and carrots included.

  2. My son is also almost 3 and I think at this age the pickiness isn't about food, it's about asserting independence. Some days we put something in front of him and he'll say, "I not going to eat it," in his most defiant voice. We either ignore it or distract him and sometimes he eats it and sometimes he doesn't. It helps to have older children- it gives you perspective and helps you to know that they can get through it. I think that this is when many parents give up and decide they have a "picky eater."

    Thanks for your kind words about my blog= and, welcome!


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