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Letting Go, and Letting Kids Create in the Kitchen

31 January 2014

Since this week has essentially become confession week here at Teaching Good Eaters, I have another one to make. I am not a naturally fun person. This was made abundantly clear this past weekend when my husband and kids discussed a snowshoeing "adventure," in the woods. As I got up to get ready, my daughter said, "You're not coming,...
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The Day I (Tried) to Eat Like my Kids

29 January 2014

A few years ago, I remember reading an article in a parenting magazine about a mom who tried to eat what her kids ate (for a day? a week? I honestly can't remember.) For the duration of this experiment, her diet consisted of things like macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, and goldfish crackers. Strangely enough, she basically...
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The Lunchables Experiment

27 January 2014

My life is full of "I would nevers." Especially when it comes to parenthood. All those things that I said I would NEVER do… until I did. The truth is, I never thought I would be THAT mom. You know, the one who feeds her kids "healthy" food. THAT one. The one whose sole purpose is to make her kids the "weird ones" while simultaneously...
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7 Quick Takes about Blogging, Friendship, and Jim Gaffigan

24 January 2014

Click the picture above to see all the other fun Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary!! --- 1 --- This October, after a yearlong hiatus, I decided to give this blogging thing one more try. This month, doubt and frustration began to creep in. I was ready to throw in the towel. For. Good. And then, a strange thing happened: Momentum. A...
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"Actually," Maybe He Does Like the Bean Soup

22 January 2014

A few years ago, I wrote a guest post for the blog Making Lemonade listing my top ten tips for feeding toddlers. An incident this afternoon reminded me of that post: 1 year old: (points to kiwi) Me: Do you want kiwi? 1 year old: (nods his head yes, gets kiwi, doesn't eat it) Me: If you don't want your kiwi, give it to Dillon (4 year...
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What the Kids Ate Wednesday + The Lunchables Experiment Day 1

21 January 2014

A while ago, I discovered a link-up called, What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW) on a blog called Peas and Carrots. Bloggers link up a post of chronicling a days worth of eating. Looking at these posts, I realized that there are so many different ways to eat and that each of us has our own "normal," when it comes to eating. Peeking into someone...
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